Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dear Lord,
Today I seek your forgiveness for a murder which i did. A murder which I did in this broad day light. I seek your forgiveness for that gory blood bath..! I confess that I murdered my soul.!!! It was all its fault. It didn't deserved living here.
It just couldn't be selfish which everyone forced it to be...!
It just couldn't be manipulative which everyone expected it to be...!
It just couldn't be concealing which everyone thought it should be...!
It faced a lot of torture for things which it was required to do. How dare it oppose the things?
I just wanted to give it its final punishment and to be frank simply deserved it. I served the purpose of an executioner and relieved it from its so called chain of expectation and deliverance..! I enacted the role of a leader of these people and murdered it. I have no regrets but i still regret it. I took away life from a soul but i'm happy because I brought its misery to an end. An end which was not destined but an end that was shown so as to avoid an unfateful end...

Today I seek your forgiveness for this crime of mine. Please forgive me and give rest to my soul.
Its not that my soul didnt deserve this world but its just that this world didnt deserve my soul. This world made me a murdere and I'm getting away with a murder...!!

A soul less creatur carrying his dead soul on his shoulder seeking your forgiveness and searching a place to bury the dead.


Swati Thampan said...

didnt know u had tht side in u! the dark poetic side! as u said i discovered a new harshit...hmmm you should keep up th writing...just for the other tormented soul less souls (like me) out there :)

nuzania said...

hey i rly lik it...:)
wel writn n thot of....

Harshit Dhawan said...

@Chinmaya: Thanks for that :)
Do check new one i posted just now and share your unbiased opinion on that.

@nuzania: Thanks twin twin :)
Check more of my pieces :)